First results: Supporting Ukraine´s recovery and EU accession through the EUSDR
The organisers of the Danube Participation Days have decided to dedicate the years 2023 and 2024 to explore how can the EUSDR best support Ukraine's recovery and EU accession by answering the questions:
What are the potentials the local and regional level in UA and the cooperation of CS and local actors in the Danube region offer to the accession process?
How can the EUSDR facilitate stakeholder cooperation for recovery/EU accession?
During the first event, the 10th Danube Participation Day, three exclusive afternoon workshops were held to define up to three main messages/priorities for the recovery/EU accession process. These messages/priorities can/should be implemented within the framework of the EU Danube Strategy or where the EU Danube Strategy can contribute.
We are pleased to present here the results:
The 11th Danube Participation Day, scheduled for June 19th, 2024, aims to encourage further collaboration and continue discussions on Ukraine's sustainable path towards amidst the double transformation from war and towards EU membership.