Executive Committee Meeting
The Executive Committee of the Danube Civil Dociety Forum will have its forthcoming meeting on the 05.09.2024, online.

3rd free interactive training on funding programs open and relevant also to the NON EU Countries
Please save the date and join us for the third interactive training session on funding programs open and relevant to the NON EU Countries, which will include, among others

2nd Interactive Training Session on CERV, EU Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme
Please save the date in your calendar and join us for the second interactive training session on EU Project Development and EU Funds focusing on the CITIZENS, EQUALITY, RIGHT, AND VALUES (CERV) programme – 2021-2027

Free interactive training on EU Funding Programmes and Project Cycle Management
ALDA European Association for Local Democracy, in cooperation with Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions, is inviting you to the Free Interactive Training Session on EU Project Development and EU Funds for EU member states and non-member States.