Local Actors and Participation
25 June 2014
Esterházy Palace, Eisenstadt, Austria
The Conference will enable with a new format the international civil society and local actors from the 14 EUSDR countries to meet, exchange views and perceptions among each other and to meet and discuss in-depth with EU and national decision makers.
There will be a set of 3 elements to enable participants from all levels to get active and involved. Focused key notes will open the conference. Participants will form 4 thematic villages in separate rooms. The rotating wheel of key-note speakers moving from village to village will enable in debt exchange of views with each village for 30-45 minutes. Following this villages meetings, participants will hear in the closing plenary reports from the villages.
As a permanent structure a forum tents to action in the inner court yard will host presentations of NGOs, cities, networks, projects ideas and a lot of open space to meet and discuss. The Café Maskaron in the court yard will offer a place to meet.
The Participation Day is held as a stakeholder conference of PA 9 “Investing in People and Skills” and PA 10 “Institutional Capacity and Cooperation” in the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region. Furthermore the event will bring together all participants of the Danube River Show Project and last but not least stakeholder and local actors from civil society, the cultural sector, the youth sectors, local authorities as well as academia. More than 220 people have expressed their interest to participate. More than 170 participants have been registered from all parts of the Danube region.
Representatives of Local Authorities from cities in the Danube region.
NGOs from 14 EUSDR countries
NGO Networks: DCSF, DaNet, Rede Social Romania, Danube Environmental Forum, Danube Networkers, Danube Strategy Research Network (DSRN), Young Citizens Danube Network (YCDN)
Cultural Sector: Artists, Museums, Cultural Actors, The Danube Cultural Cluster, representatives of festivals etc.
Youth: Representatives of nat. and local agencies, NGOs, schools, higher and dual education, second-chance education etc.
Side Event
On 24th and in the morning of 25th June, a joint working group meeting of PA9/WG 6 & PA10/WG 1 on Migration Management at the local level will be held in the Palace.
The conference will produce a final document consisting of the Eisenstadt Declaration on Participation in the Danube Region and the reports and documents produced by the four villages. The final document and the main findings and discourses of the conference will be discussed in Workshops at the Danube Strategy in the 3rd Annual Forum of the EUSDR in Vienna.
- Posted In: Danube Participation Days