Executive Committee Meeting
The Executive Committee of the Danube Civil Dociety Forum will have its forthcoming meeting on the 05.09.2024, online.

11th Danube Participation Day, 2024
Save the date and join the 11th Danube Participation Day on the 19th of June 2024 in Vienna, Austria, which will take place back-to-back with the 13th EUSDR Annual Forum.

4th National Participation Day - Ukraine
The Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions, in collaboration with the Centre for Regional Studies, Rewilding Ukraine and Frumushika-Nova Ethno-village cordially invites you to attend the fourth Ukranian National Participation Day in the EUSDR on the 15-16 May 2024.

3rd National Participation Day - Austria: Waters 2040
The Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions, in collaboration with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, the BOKU Doctoral School Human Rivers, the Danube Civil Society Forum and the EUSDR Priority Area 10 "Institutional Capacity and Cooperation," cordially invites you to attend the third Austrian National Participation Day in the EUSDR, which will take place in the hydraulic engineering laboratory (BOKU River Lab) of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, 9 April 2024.

Preparatory meetings for the 11th Danube Participation Day
The Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions in collaboration with the Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacities & Cooperation” of the EUSDR would like to kindly invite civil society organisations and local/regional actors to join or preparatory meeting for the 11th Danube Participation Day to share their lessons learned on how to (not) shape development towards EU accession in candidate countries.

7th General Assembly of the DCSF
We are pleased to inform you that the 7th ordinary General Assembly of the Danube Civil Society Forum will be held on 6 February 2024, online via Zoom.
The GA of the DCSF will hear the reports by the president and the treasurer, as well as from the Executive Committee, decide on pending membership, and last but not least elect a the Executive Committee members, Treasurer and Vice Treasurer President and Vice President for a two year term.

10th Danube Participation Day, 2023
Thank you for joining us at the 10th Danube Participation Day: “Ukraine’s recovery towards EU membership” on the 23th of October 2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, which took place back-to-back with the 12th EUSDR Annual Forum.

3rd free interactive training on funding programs open and relevant also to the NON EU Countries
Please save the date and join us for the third interactive training session on funding programs open and relevant to the NON EU Countries, which will include, among others

2nd Interactive Training Session on CERV, EU Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme
Please save the date in your calendar and join us for the second interactive training session on EU Project Development and EU Funds focusing on the CITIZENS, EQUALITY, RIGHT, AND VALUES (CERV) programme – 2021-2027

2nd National Participation Day - Slovenia in the Danube Strategy
EUSDR Priority Area 10 ˝Institutional Capacity and Cooperation˝ together with the Macroregional Strategies coordination in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Foster Europe Foundation in Austria, and the Danube Civil Society Forum invite to the second National Participation Day – Slovenia.

Free interactive training on EU Funding Programmes and Project Cycle Management
ALDA European Association for Local Democracy, in cooperation with Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions, is inviting you to the Free Interactive Training Session on EU Project Development and EU Funds for EU member states and non-member States.

9th Danube Participation Day, 2022
Please save the date and join the 9th Danube Participation Day: “Resilience through Diversity: Involving Civil Society in the Danube Strategy for a resilient future” on the 18th of October 2022, which will take place back-to-back with the 11th EUSDR Annual Forum.

6th General Assembly of the DCSF
We are pleased to inform you that the 6th ordinary General Assembly of the Danube Civil Society Forum will be held on 6 December 2021, online via Zoom.
The GA of the DCSF will hear the reports by the president and the treasurer, as well as from the Executive Committee, decide on pending membership, and last but not least elect a the Executive Committee members, Treasurer and Vice Treasurer President and Vice President for a two year term.

8th Danube Participation Day, 2021
Please save the date for the 8th Danube Participation Day which will take place back to back with the 1oth EUSDR Annual Forum on 25th and 26th of October 2021. This year, the Danube Participation Day is dedicated to “Participation & Digitalisation”. The conference will address participatory decision-making and co-design of public services in view of digitalisation and eGovernment.

7th Danube Participation Day, 2020
The Danube Participation Day 2020 will present the first draft of the Guidance Paper for Youth Participation in the Danube Region. Against this background, participants will have the opportunity to exchange on possible ways forward in order to boost cooperation and participation of young people and youth initiatives. In doing so, the Danube Participation Day wants to provide a platform to raise awareness of valuable contributions from existing youth initiatives in the region and taking initial steps forward to acknowledge and involve youth in the Danube Region.

6th Danube Participation Day, 2019
Please save the date and join the next Danube Participation Day organised by the PA 10 Institutional Capacity and Cooperation, Danube Civil Society Forum, Transylvania Social NGO Federation, Sustainable Development Group Constanţa coming up in June in Bukarest, Romania.
The 6th Danube Participation Day will be held one day before the 8th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.

5th General Assembly of the DCSF
Thank you very much for your active participation at the 5th ordinary General Assembly of the DCSF, which was held on 25 June 2019 in Bucharest, Romania.
You can find the programme, both presentations and resolution minutes and attached.
2nd National Participation Day in Romania
Please save the date and join the First National Participation Day in Romania. The National Participation Day will be held on Thursday, 16th of May 2019 in Tulcea, Romania

First National Participation Day in Slovenia
Please save the date and join the First National Participation Day in Slovenia. The National Participation Day will be held on Thursday, 15th of November 2018 in the City Hotel, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Second National Participation Day in the Czech Republic
Please save the date and join the Second National Participation Day in the Czech Republic. The National Participation Day will be held on Tuesday, 13th of November 2018 in the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Valdštejnské náměstí 17/4, Prague 1, 118 01.
The National Forum of the EUSDR- Romania
The National Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (incl. National Particpaiton Day) the official launching event of the Romanian Presidency of the EUSDR, will take place in 5th -6th November 2018, starting with 11.00, at the Palace of Parliament.

5th Danube Participation Day, 2018
This year´s Danube Participation Day, 17 October 2018, [with the working title of] EXPANDING CIVIC SPACES - PARTICIPATION STRATEGIES IN THE DANUBE REGION will deal with the growing problem of reducing civic space on various levels in state, administration, media and society and will discuss and present counter strategies for civil society and its organizations.
The 5th Danube Participation day will be preceded by a two day working seminar that will bring together Civil Society Actors from the Danube Region for an in-depth discussion and project development related to the theme of the Danube Participation Day. The seminar is held with support of the Central European Initiative, CEI, 15-16 October 2018, organized by the Citizen Participation Forum and co-organized by the DCSF, in Sofia Bulgaria. (Registration for the seminar days will be open soon.)

3rd National Hearing in Serbia
We invite you to take part in the one-day conference devoted to the implementation of the Danube Strategy in Serbia, in front of Annual EUSDR forum in Sofia.
The NGO World and the Danube, in cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration, are organizing the third National Hearing of the Danube Strategy on the initiative of the Danube Civil Society Forum, which will be held on October 12, 2018, starting at 9:30 AM in the Parliament of Serbia.

4th Danube Participation Day, 2017
Science meets Participation, Innovation and Sustainability
Macro-Regional Strategies

4th General Assembly of the DCSF
Thank you very much for your active participation at the 4th ordinary General Assembly of the DCSF, which was held on 16 October 2017, at Andrassy University, Budapest, Hungary. We thank the Andrassy University for providing the premises for our meeting.
3rd Danube Participation Days, 2016
Working towards sustainable development- Civil Society, Local Actors and EU Strategy
Wednesday, 2. November 2016 - 9:00 to Thursday, 3. November 2016 - 12:00 Bratislava, Slovakia

2nd Danube Participation Day, 2015
On the 29th/30th of October 2015, the 4th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) takes place in Ulm, Germany. Following the example of last year’s conference, a 2nd Participation Day for civil society actors is scheduled prior to the main conference on the 28 of October, in Ulm as well.

3rd General Assembly of the DCSF
The 3rd General Assembly of the DCSF was held in 27th of October in Ulm, Germany. 30 members of the Danube Civil Society Forum and 1 observer took part at the official meeting which gathers every second year due to the laws of the Forum. The event was opened by Ivo Gönner Lordmayor of Ulm.

1st Danube Participation Day, 2014
1st Danube Participation Day- Local Actors and Participation
25 June 2014, Esterházy Palace, Eisenstadt, Austria
The Conference will enable with a new format the international civil society and local actors from the 14 EUSDR countries to meet, exchange views and perceptions among each other and to meet and discuss in-depth with EU and national decision makers.

2nd General Assembly of the DCSF
Due to its statutes the DCSF convened its 2nd General Assembly on the 25th September 2013, in Ruse. The assembly was opened by the Deputy Mayor Ruse, Mr Strahil Karapchanski and by Stefan August Lütgenau, president of the DCSF. After the opening speeches reports on the activity of the DCSF in the past two years, and activities of the Working Groups followed by the Executive Committee of the DCSF.