4th National Participation Day - Ukraine
The Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions, in collaboration with the Centre for Regional Studies, Rewilding Ukraine and Frumushika-Nova Ethno-village cordially invites you to attend the fourth Ukranian National Participation Day in the EUSDR on the 15-16 May 2024.

3rd National Participation Day - Austria: Waters 2040
The Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions, in collaboration with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, the BOKU Doctoral School Human Rivers, the Danube Civil Society Forum and the EUSDR Priority Area 10 "Institutional Capacity and Cooperation," cordially invites you to attend the third Austrian National Participation Day in the EUSDR, which will take place in the hydraulic engineering laboratory (BOKU River Lab) of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, 9 April 2024.

2nd National Participation Day - Slovenia in the Danube Strategy
EUSDR Priority Area 10 ˝Institutional Capacity and Cooperation˝ together with the Macroregional Strategies coordination in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Foster Europe Foundation in Austria, and the Danube Civil Society Forum invite to the second National Participation Day – Slovenia.
2nd National Participation Day in Romania
Please save the date and join the First National Participation Day in Romania. The National Participation Day will be held on Thursday, 16th of May 2019 in Tulcea, Romania

First National Participation Day in Slovenia
Please save the date and join the First National Participation Day in Slovenia. The National Participation Day will be held on Thursday, 15th of November 2018 in the City Hotel, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Second National Participation Day in the Czech Republic
Please save the date and join the Second National Participation Day in the Czech Republic. The National Participation Day will be held on Tuesday, 13th of November 2018 in the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Valdštejnské náměstí 17/4, Prague 1, 118 01.
The National Forum of the EUSDR- Romania
The National Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (incl. National Particpaiton Day) the official launching event of the Romanian Presidency of the EUSDR, will take place in 5th -6th November 2018, starting with 11.00, at the Palace of Parliament.

3rd National Hearing in Serbia
We invite you to take part in the one-day conference devoted to the implementation of the Danube Strategy in Serbia, in front of Annual EUSDR forum in Sofia.
The NGO World and the Danube, in cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration, are organizing the third National Hearing of the Danube Strategy on the initiative of the Danube Civil Society Forum, which will be held on October 12, 2018, starting at 9:30 AM in the Parliament of Serbia.