The Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions, in collaboration with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, the BOKU Doctoral School Human Rivers, the Danube Civil Society Forum and the EUSDR Priority Area 10 "Institutional Capacity and Cooperation," cordially invites you to attend the third Austrian National Participation Day in the EUSDR - Waters 2040: Climate Change and Resilient Water Management in the Danube Catchment which will take place in the hydraulic engineering laboratory (BOKU River Lab) of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, 9 April 2024.
The conference aims to outline and formulate knowledge-based political, administrative, economic and social issues, demands and/or challenges connected to changes in the Water Circle and Water Management in the Danube catchment by 2040.
While annual average precipitation levels are increasing for Austria in general, the climate will be more variable, e.g. more heavy rain events coupled with periods of drought are expected. This leads to significant changes in the water cycles in Europe. Many interests and pressures are affecting the Danube River network leading to risks for human uses and a decline in aquatic biodiversity. The Danube catchment is the second largest river basin in Europe. The Danube drains large parts of central and southea stern Europe, and crosses ten countries more than any other river on earth. Consequently, the Danube River basin is one of the most important and oldest cultural and economic areas in Europe.
The conference Waters 2040: Climate Change and Resilient Water Management in the Danube Catchment will
focus on the expected future challenges in the realm of water management
analyse the expected challenges in selected areas
address possible areas of conflict of interest among users and stakeholders
give voice to the younger generation of researchers by including the HR21 doctoral school
will actively involve the Civil Society and reach out to all participants by asking for input for co creation and co design of strategies and action to adapt to the expected challenges.
The conference will present recent research from doctoral researchers and establish experts. In the deliberations we will debate what the EUSDR can contribute to mitigate the negative impacts from the expected changes in hydrology and how the EUSDR shall a dapt and react to provide the bests services for European citizens. The conference strives to provide a set of clear and practical recommendations to the strategy to better react to present and future challenges. As the driving factors in nature as well as in the European political landscape are changing, the organisers strive to provide information on the climate change impacts to the water cycles and aquatic systems and the suggested actions in a bi annual forum.
The Austrian National Participation Day is held jointly with a stakeholder meeting of the EU Horizon Project DANUBE4all.
For further information please take a look at the draft agenda then fill out the registration form below to join us!
We are looking forward to welcoming you (in person) in Vienna.
National Participation Day Coordination Team
PROGRAM - Draft agenda
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:10 Plenary Session
Opening Session
Helmut Habersack, Head of the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and River Research, BOKU
Stefan August Lütgenau, Danube Civil Society Forum/Foster Europe
Moderation: Robert Lichtner, Danube Strategy Point
09:10-09:30 Keynote
H.E. Leonore Gewessler, Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), Austria
09:30-11:00 Panel 1: Extreme Hazard and Climate Change
Intro by Gregor Laaha, BOKU, and Lena Junger, Adriane Hövel, HR21
Water Scarcity/Water Security: Igor Liska, ICPDR
Drought-Floods: Andreas Rimböck, Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (online)
11:00-11:20 Coffee Break
11:20-12:30 Panel 2: Biodiversity Crisis & Challenges in Water Quality
Intro by Bano Mehdi-Schulz, BOKU, and Jakob Neuburg, Hatice Türk, Johannes Kowal, HR21
Future Perspectives of Aquatic Biodiversity: Miroslav Očadlík, WWF Slovakia
Future Challenges in Water Quality: Carmen Postolache, University of Bucharest, Expert Group Leader for Water Quality, IAD
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14.45 Panel 3: Energy & Transport
Intro by Helmut Habersack, BOKU, and Anna-Lisa Dittrich, Kevin Merl, Michael Paster, HR21
Hydropower: Herfried Harreiter, Verbund Hydropower GmbH
Navigation: Jasna Muskatirovic, Danube Commission
Intervention: Marcin Sadowski, EU Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters, DG MARE
14:45-15:00 Coffee Break
15:00-17:00 World Café
Table: Extreme Hazard and Climate Change
Moderation: Gertrud Haidvogl, BOKU
Table: Biodiversity Crisis & Challenges in Water Quality
Moderation: Bano Mehdi-Schulz, BOKU
Table: Energy & Transport
Moderation: Helmut Habersack, BOKU
Table: Sharing Experiences for Co-Creation, Co-Design
Moderation: Allison O´Reilly, BOKU
17:00-17:30 Presentation of Table results
Table: Extreme Hazard and Climate Change
Table: Biodiversity Crisis & Challenges in Water Quality
Table: Energy & Transport
Table: Sharing Experiences for Co-Creation, Co-Design
17:30-18:00 Resolution
18:00 Guided Tour